
Discover the latest press and news about Dr. Olaf Beck and Arthroprax.


Knee reconstruction via cartilage induction with ChondroFiller Liquid and meniscal scaffold

Knee reconstruction via cartilage induction with ChondroFiller Liquid and meniscal scaffold

Dr Olaf Beck has been using ChondroFiller Liquid to regenerate cartilage defects since 2015. He also offers this procedure to aid meniscus implantation.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Stem Cell Therapy Osteoarthritis

Stem Cell Therapy Osteoarthritis

In this video, Dr. Olaf Beck, specialist in osteoarthritis, explains: How does stem cell therapy work?
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Meniscus tear - what to do and how to see it

Meniscus tear - what to do and how to see it

Identify Meniscus tears and learn the signs of meniscus tears after sports injuries and understand how they affect knee rotation.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Schmerzhafte Meniskus-Verletzung? Entdecken Sie die besten Behandlungen

Schmerzhafte Meniskus-Verletzung? Entdecken Sie die besten Behandlungen

Erfahren Sie, welche Risse operiert werden müssen und welche nicht, und lernen Sie modernste arthroskopische Verfahren für eine rasche Genesung kennen.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Was die MRT nicht zeigt: Entdecken Sie die Vorteile der Nanoskopie

Was die MRT nicht zeigt: Entdecken Sie die Vorteile der Nanoskopie

Entdecken Sie den neuen Ansatz zur Diagnose von Gelenkbeschwerden: Die Nanoskopie
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Knieschmerzen? Bekämpfen Sie Kniearthrose jetzt!

Knieschmerzen? Bekämpfen Sie Kniearthrose jetzt!

Entdecken Sie die neuesten Behandlungsmethoden für Kniearthrose: Ursachen, Symptome, Möglichkeiten zur Entzündungsreduktion & Knorpelregeneration.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Bewährte Meniskus-Behandlung für Athleten: Retten Sie Ihr Knie

Bewährte Meniskus-Behandlung für Athleten: Retten Sie Ihr Knie

Entdecken Sie die regenerativen Behandlungskonzepte von Dr. Olaf Beck und wie sie Sportlern helfen, sich von Meniskus- und Knorpelschäden zu erholen.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Was für eine vollständige Genesung Ihrer Gelenke wichtig ist

Was für eine vollständige Genesung Ihrer Gelenke wichtig ist

Lernen Sie von einem Spezialisten: Dr. Olaf Beck, Orthopäde in Köln, teilt seine 24-jährige Erfahrung in der orthopädischen Gelenkregeneration für Hüft-, Knie- und Sprunggelenkspatienten.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Wie Sie Ihren Meniskus retten und aktiv bleiben können

Wie Sie Ihren Meniskus retten und aktiv bleiben können

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Meniskus retten können - Dr. Olaf Thorsten Beck gibt Expertenrat zu nicht-operativen Möglichkeiten und zur Nachbehandlung.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Revolutionäre Hüftgelenkbehandlung: Prothese vermeiden

Revolutionäre Hüftgelenkbehandlung: Prothese vermeiden

Lindern Sie Ihre Hüftschmerzen mit den revolutionären arthroskopischen Behandlungen von Dr. Beck. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Knorpelinduktion und neue Wege zur Behandlung Ihres Hüftgelenks.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
So regenerieren Sie Ihren Knorpel und retten Ihr Knie!

So regenerieren Sie Ihren Knorpel und retten Ihr Knie!

In diesem Video erfahren Sie mehr über Meniskusrisse und darüber, wie eine Stammzelltherapie oder eine Knie-Arthroskopie die Entzündung verringern und die Knorpelregeneration fördern kann.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Unerklärliche Schmerzen NACH DER Meniskus OP?!

Unerklärliche Schmerzen NACH DER Meniskus OP?!

Erfahren Sie mehr über die Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von postoperativen Knieschmerzen und warum es wichtig ist, den Meniskus zu erhalten und nicht chirurgisch zu entfernen.
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This is some text inside of a div block.
Warum Knie- und Hüftprothesen nicht die Lösung sein müssen: Erfahren Sie die Wahrheit

Warum Knie- und Hüftprothesen nicht die Lösung sein müssen: Erfahren Sie die Wahrheit

Dr. Beck deckt die Wahrheit über unnötige Knie- und Hüftprothesen auf. Erfahren Sie, wie regenerative Medizin Ihre Lebensqualität erhalten und Operationen vermeiden kann.
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This is some text inside of a div block.

Recent news

Drawing for an innovative arthroscopic instrument for regenerative cartilage therapy on the hip and shoulder, which was issued after six years of development
Drawing for an innovative arthroscopic instrument for regenerative cartilage therapy on the hip and shoulder, which was issued after six years of development
Patent Granting: Innovative Tool for Hip and Shoulder Cartilage Therapy
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Patent Granting: Innovative Tool for Hip and Shoulder Cartilage Therapy

Discover the innovative, patented tool for minimally invasive treatment of hip and shoulder cartilage damage. Learn how this tool improves arthroscopy and cartilage tissue regeneration.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Aug 20, 2024
Banner for the 53rd MOA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 in Kuantan, Malaysia, May 23-25. Dr. Olaf Beck from Arthroprax will talk about cartilage defects and chondrofillers.
Banner for the 53rd MOA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 in Kuantan, Malaysia, May 23-25. Dr. Olaf Beck from Arthroprax will talk about cartilage defects and chondrofillers.
Dr. Olaf Beck speaks at the 53rd MOA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
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Dr. Olaf Beck speaks at the 53rd MOA Annual Scientific Meeting 2024

At MOA 2024, Dr. Olaf Beck presents the latest findings on the treatment of cartilage defects and their long-term results.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Aug 21, 2024
Dr. Olaf Beck and Xusheng Wang smile during a meeting in Cologne, Germany, to promote international cooperation in regenerative joint orthopedics.
Dr. Olaf Beck and Xusheng Wang smile during a meeting in Cologne, Germany, to promote international cooperation in regenerative joint orthopedics.
Meeting with Mr. Xusheng Wang from Dr. Nabe, Shenzhen
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Meeting with Mr. Xusheng Wang from Dr. Nabe, Shenzhen

Discover the unique exchange between Cologne and Shenzhen, led by Dr. Olaf Beck and Xusheng Wang, who is breaking new ground in regenerative joint orthopedics and providing innovative treatment methods worldwide.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Admission to the Spanish Arthroscopy Society
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Admission to the Spanish Arthroscopy Society

Admission of Dr. Olaf Beck to the Spanish Arthroscopy Society. Discover what benefits this recognition brings to his expertise and medical practice and how his contribution continues to drive arthroscopic surgery forward.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Attendance certificate
Attendance certificate
Preview of the specialized course in Timișoara: Reconstructive Surgery
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Preview of the specialized course in Timișoara: Reconstructive Surgery

Dr. Olaf Beck gives exciting insights into the specialist course “Reconstructive surgery of the meniscus and cartilage of the knee” in Timișoara. Learn how this course advances orthopedic surgery and enables Dr. Beck to incorporate the latest developments into his practice to provide optimal treatment options for his patients.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Dr. Olaf Beck explains how to reconstruct a knee through a combination of cartilage regeneration and meniscus implantation alongside adapted post-operative therapy.
Dr. Olaf Beck explains how to reconstruct a knee through a combination of cartilage regeneration and meniscus implantation alongside adapted post-operative therapy.
Revitalizing Knees: Dr. Olaf Beck's Progressive Approach to Arthroprax
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Revitalizing Knees: Dr. Olaf Beck's Progressive Approach to Arthroprax

Dr. Olaf Beck explains his progressive approach to revitalizing knees through a combination of cartilage regeneration and meniscus implantation alongside adapted post-operative therapy at his practice Arthroprax in Cologne, Germany.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Photo of Dr. Olaf Beck speaking at the International Arthroscopy Academy Meeting 2023 in India
Photo of Dr. Olaf Beck speaking at the International Arthroscopy Academy Meeting 2023 in India
9th International Arthroscopy Academy Meeting 2023 in Mumbai, India
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9th International Arthroscopy Academy Meeting 2023 in Mumbai, India

Dr. Olaf Beck presented his results of combined cartilage regeneration and meniscus implantation at the International Arthroscopy Academy Meeting 2023 in Mumbai. In a live operation in Mumbai's largest hospital, he presented this technique to medical participants. He was awarded an official certificate for his active participation.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Dr. Olaf Beck on the podium at the IV International ACCART Congress 2023
Dr. Olaf Beck on the podium at the IV International ACCART Congress 2023
Review of the 4th International ACCART Congress in Colombia with Dr. Olaf Beck
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Review of the 4th International ACCART Congress in Colombia with Dr. Olaf Beck

Join Dr. Olaf Beck at the IV International ACCART Congress in Cartagena. Learn more about his presentation on regenerative joint orthopedics, cartilage induction and latest results on meniscus implantation.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Photo of the city of Cartagena, Colombia, you can see the coast and the city
Photo of the city of Cartagena, Colombia, you can see the coast and the city
Preview of the IV International ACCART Congress in Cartagena with Dr. Olaf Beck
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Preview of the IV International ACCART Congress in Cartagena with Dr. Olaf Beck

Get an exciting insight into the IV International ACCART Congress 2023 with Dr. Olaf Beck. Learn more about orthobiology, joint maintenance, minimally invasive surgery, and benefits for patients.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Colombian Association of Cirugía Artroscopica
Colombian Association of Cirugía Artroscopica
Admission of Dr. Olaf Beck to ACCART
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Admission of Dr. Olaf Beck to ACCART

Dr. Olaf Beck, was recently accepted as a member of ACCART (Asociación Colombiana de Cirugía Artroscópica). Membership in this prestigious Colombian organization is a great honor and recognition for outstanding expertise and experience in its field.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
Photo of Dr. Olaf Beck on stage at the International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society
Photo of Dr. Olaf Beck on stage at the International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society
Presentation at ICRS 2023 - Acellular Collagen Injectable Hydrogel (Chondrofiller®)
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Presentation at ICRS 2023 - Acellular Collagen Injectable Hydrogel (Chondrofiller®)

As part of the ICRS event, Dr. Olaf Beck presented a presentation on “Acellular Collagen Injectable Hydrogel (Chondrofiller Liquid®)”, an innovative approach for treating cartilage damage.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Jan 22, 2024
New meniscus implantation and cartilage induction method: Presented on Revista Video ACCART
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New meniscus implantation and cartilage induction method: Presented on Revista Video ACCART

Learn more about the groundbreaking method for meniscus implantation and cartilage induction by Dr. Olaf Beck, presented on the Spanish platform Revista ACCART.
Dr. Olaf Beck has specialized in the field of osteoarthritis therapy for over 15 years. During this time, he also worked under the direction of Dr. Rolf Walter, who performed knee joint conserving procedures for handball, ice hockey and soccer Bundesliga players.
Dr. Olaf Beck
Feb 7, 2024
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